Monday, September 24, 2012

Tattoo - Birthday

Friday was my birthday and I got this present from my mom:
I probably should get a new pic since it was kind of swollen in this one and does look right since I took it myself.... It's a California Poppy since that is where I was born and the Texas Bluebonnet is where I live now and had my girls :) I am very happy with it.

Thursday, September 20, 2012


It took me a while to decide on a title for this blog. I'm not the most creative person and like to keep it simple so "Starting Over" seemed like a good description of where I am. One of the big things I plan to chronicle is my weight loss journey. "Starting Over" fits because about 3.5 years ago I lost ALOT of weight and have allowed myself to gain it all back and then some. I have been very upset with myself for a while, but now have decided to let that go and "start over", at least I know I can do it. Along with that I had gotten into decent shape and could even run a 5K, so I'll start at the beginning of the Couch to 5K again. I'm really excited about that as I found I really enjoy working out and running, I'm not sure why I stopped....To get a little more personal, I am also going through a divorce and myself and my 2 daughters have moved (they even had to change schools). I've also started taking college classes again (this blog is a project for one of those classes). I have also started going to church again for the first time in a LONG time. It has been wonderful for the girls and myself and is really helping me through all these changes.  Here's to "STARTING OVER".